Event Summary:
Throughout history, people have been drawn to individuals who are extremely capable and confident at doing a good job. Many organizations highlight such individuals with hopes that if they make them their leaders, the same work ethics and results will follow. Unfortunately, ‘doing a good job’ does not mean ‘good leadership’ will follow.
Leadership is seldom rewarding and thus unskilled leaders often turn to project management versus people management or even worse micro-management versus empowerment to feel like they have accomplished something in their day. These once capable employees thrown into leadership without training and guidance almost always fail…as leadership is not about a specific job function but about the people they lead.
“Leaders instill in their people a hope for success and a belief in themselves. Positive leaders empower people to accomplish their goals.”
Skilled leaders often become complacent and forget about the basic leadership essentials. However, one doesn’t need to have a title to be a leader in an organization. If more people tapped into their leadership abilities on a daily basis, organizations would thrive.
This course is designed to help everyone, from the most skilled to the beginning manager and even a basic employee focus on the steps that will allow them to excel at leadership in their professional and personal lives.
II. Course Outline
During this training, attendees can expect to:
Learn or review the 7 key leadership essentials that when maintained create trust and loyalty…allowing others to follow them.
Better understand human nature so that they can respond appropriately to all situations.
Receive the secret of how they can actually control outcomes in their professional and personal lives.
Learn while having fun.
HRCI and SHRM Recertification Credits Applied For
Speaker Bio:
Jeff Johnson is a nationally acclaimed motivational trainer, speaker, and facilitator. He is a veteran in the credit and collections industry, and currently is the Chief Client Officer at Hawes Group in Vancouver, WA.
Prior to joining Hawes Financial, Jeff had over 10 years of experience as the Manager of Client Relations for Columbia Ultimate Business Systems. Additionally, Jeff served as a Director of the International Division of the FranklinCovey Leadership Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, where he worked with many Fortune 500 companies to improve internal processes through pinpoint training. Jeff also served as President of the Oregon Healthcare Financial Management Association and as Race Director for various community events benefiting local and national charities.
Originally from Colorado, Jeff earned his degree in Business Management with a minor in Human Resources from Brigham Young University. He is a certified 7-Habits Trainer and has numerous professional memberships, including the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA). Presently, Jeff serves in various positions for Oregon HFMA and on the HFMA Regional Committee. When not working, Jeff enjoys running, crossfit and spending time with his amazing wife and five children.
This meeting generously sponsored by Trifoia!