One transaction. One profile. Dual membership.

Already a SHRM Member?

Select your state and chapter on the right. Then, follow the steps to start your SHRM Dual Membership.


NOT a SHRM Member?

Select Professional Membership. Follow the steps and make sure to add your chapter when you join or renew.


LCHRA is a 100% membership chapter, which means you must also be a member of the national SHRM organization ( In order to join you will be required to enter your National SHRM email address for auditing purposes.

LCHRA membership is free and there are many benefits to joining:

  • Monthly chapter meetings with relevant HR content

  • Networking opportunities with other local HR professionals

  • Local, regional, and national HR conferences

  • Volunteer opportunities

Need help convincing your boss to join SHRM or renew your SHRM membership? The resources below will help!

“Convince Your Boss” letter templates:

Visualize the value of SHRM Membership!